
I had an argument once about the physics of big breasts. Essentially my argument was based on gravity and the simple fact that no one likes 'saggy titties'. Aside from my poor word choice, my argument was solid - old men have it easier than old women because gravity doesn't play as great a role on their physical appearance. The young lady I was arguing with was outraged to say the least. I fed her anger by describing her fate of 'saggy titties'. 

Before I go friends, I would like to thank a few that helped bring this macking manual to an end so that you all could read and enjoy it: my brother Messiah, brother James, my man Stu (the chemist), James Smith (007 or gin & tonic), brother Rob and brother Bob, my brother Josh (J-Low the pimp), brother Pierre (fae7), the L Masters; Pills, Curtis, and John-John. 'Nuff respect due to the rest of the crew: Rami, Rob D'Ambroiso, Kwasic, and Damon. I also give respect to the people that put us on the map and kept us on the map by spreading the rumdogs name around town. To those that looked out for us, thought about us, and remembered us - thank you! The rest of the people I would like to thank are mentioned on the website somewhere out there.