The New Beetle
Now we don't like to brag or boast, but at present we are the sole supplier of the Volkswagen video game Tracks and Gaps. Forget about Pokemon!

As true Beetle fans know, the game is only available in German. The crew's linguistic skills are up to par because of our extensive world travels. The language barriers are never a problem...

After playing Tracks and Gaps for weeks and weeks, we decided to share this game with the rest of the world...

If you would like a copy of Tracks and Gaps of your own so that you can test your skills, click on the Beetle below. Remember the game is in German and it will take quite a while to download, however it is worth the time. After you have finished downloading, you will need to unzip the file to play the game. Screen settings on your computer should be 800 x 600.

We hope that you enjoy Tracks and Gaps and we thank you for checking out our website!

Beetle video game tracks and gaps

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